What is Unity?
Unity is a world wide Christian* organization, over a century old. Because of similarity in names, Unity has on occasion been confused with the Unitarian or the Unification church. There is no connection between these organizations. Unity is a positive approach to life seeking to accent the good in people and all of life. God is spirit, everywhere present, the One and the only spirit behind, in and through all things, visible and invisible. Unity denies the existence of any power or presence opposed to God. It sees that there are evil appearances and sufferings in the world, but ascribes these to man's ignorance and erroneous use of God's laws of life.
Unity proclaims the divinity of Jesus but goes further and assures that you, too, are a child of God and therefore divine in nature. Salvation is the expanding realization of one's innate divinity and perfectibility through living the life demonstrated by Jesus. Unity explains the mind as your connecting link with God, or Divine Mind, and shows how the action of your mind affects your body and circumstances.
Prayer is not seen as a way of changing or manipulating God, but for expanding and transforming your mind and thus, changing you. Prayer is a way to aligning man's consciousness with God. Unity seeks to relate religion to daily needs, affirming that for every need there is God's perfect answer. Its main textbook is the Bible and relates its lessons to your life and everyday experiences.
Unity does break from tradition somewhat in that it has no creedal requirements, dogma, ritual or ecclesiastical garb. Unity chooses to believe there is good in every religion and sees worship as serving God by uplifting and glorifying God's spirit in man in positive, joyous ways. It seeks not to emphasize one's sins of the past, but instead give attention to the good that exists in every person and what can be done with the "now" to transform one's self and one's life. Its main concern is not so much with a "future life" but with teaching people how to live fully in the present, seeing the good in all things. Unity also believes in eternal life and views the present moment as part of eternal life.
Unity is nondenominational and welcomes in dignity and love, people of all races, colors, religions, lifestyles, sexual orientations, social backgrounds and economic levels.
-Howard Caesar
*"Christian", in this context, refers to a positive, loving approach to life derived from teachings attributed to Jesus. It should not be construed as blanket acceptance of all doctrine espoused by mainstream denominations.
Unity proclaims the divinity of Jesus but goes further and assures that you, too, are a child of God and therefore divine in nature. Salvation is the expanding realization of one's innate divinity and perfectibility through living the life demonstrated by Jesus. Unity explains the mind as your connecting link with God, or Divine Mind, and shows how the action of your mind affects your body and circumstances.
Prayer is not seen as a way of changing or manipulating God, but for expanding and transforming your mind and thus, changing you. Prayer is a way to aligning man's consciousness with God. Unity seeks to relate religion to daily needs, affirming that for every need there is God's perfect answer. Its main textbook is the Bible and relates its lessons to your life and everyday experiences.
Unity does break from tradition somewhat in that it has no creedal requirements, dogma, ritual or ecclesiastical garb. Unity chooses to believe there is good in every religion and sees worship as serving God by uplifting and glorifying God's spirit in man in positive, joyous ways. It seeks not to emphasize one's sins of the past, but instead give attention to the good that exists in every person and what can be done with the "now" to transform one's self and one's life. Its main concern is not so much with a "future life" but with teaching people how to live fully in the present, seeing the good in all things. Unity also believes in eternal life and views the present moment as part of eternal life.
Unity is nondenominational and welcomes in dignity and love, people of all races, colors, religions, lifestyles, sexual orientations, social backgrounds and economic levels.
-Howard Caesar
*"Christian", in this context, refers to a positive, loving approach to life derived from teachings attributed to Jesus. It should not be construed as blanket acceptance of all doctrine espoused by mainstream denominations.