Support Unity Center For Positive Living
Your generous donations to Everett Center for Positive Living make it possible to support our members, keep our staff on payroll, pay our utilities, and offer alternative forms of gathering and worship. Recurring Tithes
Recurring tithes are more-or-less “set and forget”--very convenient for everyone--and provide the church a steadier funding source than the offering basket.
Anytime Donations
3231 Colby Av Everett, WA 98201
Merchant Reward Programs Accept the generosity of merchants that direct a portion of their sales to charity. Just designate Unity Center for Positive Living as your preferred charity and we receive a slice of every eligible purchase at no cost to you. |
Mail Checks To:
Everett Unity
3231 Colby Av Everett, Wa 89258 Prosperity: True prosperity lies in knowing Spirit as your unfailing source of abundance. offers resources to connect with and realize your unlimited supply. Learn about Estate and Gift Planning |