What is Unity?
Unity is a worldwide Christian* organization, over a century old. Because of similarity in names, Unity has on occasion been confused with the Unitarian or the Unification church. There is no connection between these organizations. Unity is a positive approach to life seeking to accent the good in people and all of life. God is spirit, everywhere present, the One and the only spirit behind, in and through all things, visible and invisible. Read more
Who We Are
Unity exists to awaken every man, woman, and child to their spiritual magnificence. Unity focuses on the common threads of all religious and spiritual practices, rather than the differences. We are all longing for a true recognition of the spirit within us. We do not teach you that we have the answer, we are showing you that you have your own.
Unity exists to awaken every man, woman, and child to their spiritual magnificence. Unity focuses on the common threads of all religious and spiritual practices, rather than the differences. We are all longing for a true recognition of the spirit within us. We do not teach you that we have the answer, we are showing you that you have your own.
Unity HistoryUnity was founded in 1889 in Kansas City, Missouri, by Charles and Myrtle Fillmore. After Myrtle used prayer and affirmations to heal lifelong ailments, her friends became interested in how she accomplished the healing. The Fillmores published their first spiritual publication in 1889, and over time the Unity movement grew from small prayer circles in living rooms to the worldwide movement it is today.
Five PrinciplesThe Unity belief system embraces five core ideas, collectively professing a panentheistic view of God and a path to spiritual fulfillment through mindfulness, practice, and love-centered call to action.
12 PowersEach of us has 12 creative powers that are fundamental to us. These are aspects of our Divine nature. The notion that each of us holds the Divine within us, that we have a spiritual nature along with our humanity, is not new. But most of us don’t have a method for developing our spiritual capacities.