Spiritual Teachers
Reverend Annie Lonardelli
Annie is an Interfaith minister, Unity spiritual leader, teacher and author. She has led numerous retreats on a wide range of spiritual themes and presented at settings ranging from conferences to classrooms. She holds a master degree in Humanities and taught Interdisciplinary Studies at The Evergreen State College. She is the author of two books: Another Way Home -A Journey with the Pre-Christian Jesus and the Sacred Feminine and What I Learned While Falling - Finding Spiritual Ground When You Stop Believing. She serves as guest speaker and teacher at churches and groups in the Pacific Northwest.
"My journey has lead me to the ever-revealing landscape of spirituality as it both includes and transcends the human condition. It is here that I have found a portal into the Great Compassionate Heart of Spirit, and with humility, respect and curiosity, I am committed to my own learning and sharing of what it means to be a passionate participant and lover of the Divine Mystery”.
Annie is an Interfaith minister, Unity spiritual leader, teacher and author. She has led numerous retreats on a wide range of spiritual themes and presented at settings ranging from conferences to classrooms. She holds a master degree in Humanities and taught Interdisciplinary Studies at The Evergreen State College. She is the author of two books: Another Way Home -A Journey with the Pre-Christian Jesus and the Sacred Feminine and What I Learned While Falling - Finding Spiritual Ground When You Stop Believing. She serves as guest speaker and teacher at churches and groups in the Pacific Northwest.
"My journey has lead me to the ever-revealing landscape of spirituality as it both includes and transcends the human condition. It is here that I have found a portal into the Great Compassionate Heart of Spirit, and with humility, respect and curiosity, I am committed to my own learning and sharing of what it means to be a passionate participant and lover of the Divine Mystery”.