802 E Mukilteo Blvd #205, Everett, WA 98203
We need your help. You can ask local vendors, friends and family to donate new items. If you don't ask, you don't know whether they will give. So please ask. Speaking points:
To avoid this embarrassing situation, please indicate who you spoke with on the Vendor Sign Up roster in the Social Hall. Some vendors have more than one location, so tell us which store you visited. List of suggested vendors: 1. Walmart 2. Target 3. Costco 4. Sprouts 5. Half Price Books 6. Harbor Freight 7. Winco 8. Dutch Bros Coffee 9. Starbucks 10. Dick’s Sporting Goods 11. Buffalo Wild Wings 12. Chili’s 13. Subway 14. Marriott Hotels 15. Alaska Airlines 16. Seattle Seahawks 17. Seattle Mariners 18. Seattle Storm 19. Seattle Kracken 20. Seattle Sounders 21. Seattle Reign 22. Everett AquaSox 23. Everett Silvertips 24. Big 5 25. Spaghetti Factory 26. Cheesecake Factory 27. Trader Joe’s 28. Top Golf 29. and more... |
You can personally donate new items to the auction. Items can include:
COMPLETE A FORM Each item donated must have a completed procurement form. All items must be turned in to the church by OCTOBER 27.
Everett Unity Center for Positive Living is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization